Washington Uncontested Divorce Lawyers in South Bay

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The uncontested divorce lawyers in South Bay, Washington at Truce Law can help you file for uncontested divorce if you and your former partner agree about the terms of your divorce. With an uncontested divorce, there’s no need to go to court and no need to sit down to negotiate aspects of your divorce settlement. With an uncontested divorce, you and your former partner agree about how to divide assets, debts, and agree about child custody. 

The uncontested divorce process is simpler than a contested divorce. One partner files for divorce, submits the parenting plan, and submits a formal plan to the court about how assets and debts will be divided. (This usually takes place after both parties have discussed the plan.) Then, the other partner can either simply sign the “acceptance of service” documents to acknowledge he or she received the documents and file a response to let the court know that he or she agrees to the divorce. 

An uncontested divorce in South Bay, Washington can often be the fastest divorce possible because you don’t have to go to trial (a process which can take months to a year), and it can often move even faster if your former partner agrees to file a response telling the court that he or she agrees to the terms of the divorce.  The uncontested divorce lawyers in South Bay, Washington at Truce Law can help you formalize your divorce paperwork and walk you through every step of the uncontested divorce process.

Justin W. Aanenson, Attorney


Why Hire a Lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce on South Bay, Washington?

While an uncontested divorce can often be easier than a conventional divorce (in a conventional divorce both parties plan to go to court to fight out their differences), you may still want to hire an uncontested divorce lawyer in South Bay, Washington to help you formalize your divorce agreement. Why would you want to do this, even if you and your former partner agree about everything? While divorce can be one of the most emotional decisions a couple might make, it is also a legal process that needs to be finalized by the courts. An uncontested divorce lawyer can make sure that the paperwork is filed properly and double check that you aren’t giving up important rights by choosing the uncontested divorce process. 

If your marriage is over, it might be understandable that you might want to file for divorce as quickly as possible and may even say you agree with everything your former partner wants just to get it over with. But failing to take the time to have a lawyer help you understand the consequences of dividing assets and debts the way you plan to do so could leave you making decisions you may later regret, or you may end up giving up important rights about your financial future. Once a divorce agreement has been finalized, you can’t change it. Hiring an uncontested divorce lawyer in South Bay, Washington to review your agreement is wise. 

An uncontested divorce lawyer at Truce Law can help you understand the implications of dividing assets and debts the way you have chosen to do so, and help you understand your rights regarding alimony as you formalize these issues in your divorce agreement. If you have children, you’ll also need to formalize your parenting decisions in a parenting plan. An uncontested divorce lawyer in South Bay, Washington at Truce Law can help you with this and troubleshoot any problems as they arise. Truce Law is an uncontested divorce law firm in South Bay, Washington that can help you understand your options and rights under the law, and help you formalize your uncontested divorce agreement.


How Uncontested Divorce Works in South Bay, Washington

In many ways, an uncontested divorce is like a conventional divorce. The process begins when one partner files for divorce by submitting a divorce petition to the court. This petition may include all the formal agreements you’ll need to make to finalize the divorce, including details about how you’ll divide assets, debts, and retirement accounts; if you have children, it will also include your parenting plan and child support order. After this paperwork is filed in court, it is formally served to your former partner. Formal service ensures that your former partner receives the paperwork and reads over the agreement. With an uncontested divorce, you only need to wait the required 90 days, after which you can finalize the divorce.

An uncontested divorce can often be a great option for couples who don’t share debts, have a clear understanding about how to divide bank accounts and assets, and generally don’t have a very complicated financial picture. It can also be great for people who were married for only a short period of time or those who kept their finances separate during their marriage. Uncontested divorce can also work if you agree about all aspects of your divorce, including dividing property, debts, assets, and child custody.

If you are thinking of filing for divorce, and think uncontested divorce might be the best option, reach out to the uncontested divorce lawyers in South Bay, Washington at Truce Law today. We can help you put your divorce agreement in writing and walk you through every step of the process.

Uncontested Divorce vs. Contested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is basically a divorce where neither spouse has objections about any aspect of the divorce. Both parties fully agree about how to divide property, debts, and how child custody should be handled. One person files for divorce and includes these details in the paperwork, and for a divorce to be uncontested, the other person signs off on the paperwork to show their agreement with the terms. Some couples even choose to mail in their paperwork, so that they don’t need to request a final review hearing. With a mail in filing, both parties wait 90 days and a judge signs to finalize the divorce on day 91.

A contested divorce happens when one partner submits the divorce paperwork to the court and the other spouse has objections to this filing. Your former spouse may have objections to the way you want to divide assets, the way you want to divide debts, or your proposed parenting plan. For uncontested divorce to work, both you and your former partner must truly agree about all aspects of the divorce. Otherwise, when you file paperwork, your spouse can come back with objections and turn your uncontested divorce into a contested divorce. Remember, your divorce paperwork must be “served” or delivered to your former spouse. If, when your former spouse receives this paperwork he or she doesn’t agree about any aspect of the divorce, your idea of an uncontested divorce can become a contested one.

Speaking to your uncontested divorce lawyer in South Bay, Washington before you file can help you avoid any surprises and help you formalize your uncontested divorce paperwork properly to help you avoid litigation or issues down the line. If you are sure you and your former partner agree about getting divorced, and agree about all aspects of the divorce (or have a simple financial situation that doesn’t require complex planning), then uncontested divorce in South Bay, Washington may be right for you. 

Benefits of Uncontested Divorce in South Bay, Washington

Uncontested divorce is less expensive, less time-consuming, and less stressful than contested divorce. In fact, if you and your former spouse truly agree about all aspects of your divorce, your uncontested divorce lawyer in South Bay, Washington at Truce Law can formalize your divorce paperwork and submit paperwork to the court by mail or electronically. You and your former partner never will have to set foot in a courtroom and your divorce can often be finalized within 90 days of filing the divorce petition. 

Filing for uncontested divorce has other added benefits. If you and your former partner take your case to court, you could wait up to a year to get a court date. With uncontested divorce, you don’t need to go to court at all. Uncontested divorce also protects your privacy. When you take your case to court, everything, and anything you say in court about your private life can end up on the public record. The uncontested divorce process is peaceful and less stressful. 

The decision to get divorced can be highly emotional, but if you and your former partner agree about how to divide assets, debts, and agree about child custody, you can avoid some of the more stressful aspects of the divorce process. Truce Law is an uncontested divorce law firm in South Bay, Washington that can help you formalize your divorce agreement, help you properly submit all paperwork to the courts, and help you understand your rights and options as you navigate the process.

Uncontested divorce can save you time and money, but you also want to get the paperwork right. You can’t change a divorce decree once one has been finalized and it can be challenging to change a parenting plan once one has been finalized by the court. Contact Truce Law, an uncontested divorce law firm in South Bay, Washington today to begin the process today.